
Mentoring to integrate employees from diverse cultures and backgrounds

As a mentor and mediator, I can assist employees from other cultures and backgrounds in four languages (German, English, French and Romanian.)

Mentoring is an excellent tool to support integration and development. Mentoring can be seen as the process of transferring experience. My mentoring program is individually geared to the needs of the mentees. It advises mentees concerning their routine responsibilities and supports them when faced with unexpected challenges. In the context of integration projects, my mentoring program functions as ‘translator’ and bridge builder between cultures to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

Petra Kersting,
Head of the Center for Women working in Technology – Zentrum Frau in Beruf und Technik (ZFBT) in Castrop-Rauxel,
about the mentor, Goldita Nasta:

Experience is important but it isn’t everything. To reflect on it is an art. Being a successful woman in the engineering field is already quite a cultural challenge. To make that work in a foreign country and language widens one’s understanding of situations, people and structures significantly. A series of young women executives have already benefited from this over the course of two mentoring programs: KIM – the empowerment program of the State of NRW and XMRR – the personnel development program of the entrepreneurs’ union.